
Well, for some reason this page is not showing all my posts down below. If you're looking for something specific, try the categories to the right. T.D.'s To Do's are my yearly updates on my writing, Stories are the stories I've kept posted here or on my old site, etc…

The progress I made/tracked during 2022. For the current year, go here: Here is a set of bars tracking my current works in progress as well as my year’s writing goals (2022). Keep in mind that this year, I intentionally set more goals than I can achieve (see T. D.’s […]

2022 Progress

Four score and three to six years ago, minus whatever it takes to get to February 2011, I began a web site. Ever since then, I’ve been trying to figure out how to take over the world. The end. But can you believe it’s been ten years? You’d think by […]

Ten Years and Kicking

I wrote this flash piece a while ago, thinking I might flesh it out further, but each time I come back to it, I prefer the story as is. Enjoy! The King of Nightmares I never thought the shadows would come to life. That’s because I trusted Peter. I should […]

The King of Nightmares

Let us delve into Chaos and explore for a short while. Remember, Chaos is not self-contained, for everything is Chaos and Chaos is everything. There is no outside Chaos, for even if there were, that too would be part of Chaos. Most of Chaos remains disorganized, degenerative clutter, all matter […]

Chaos, that monstrous beast

Recently, I traversed a research rabbit hole that left me fascinated. The subject? Anunnaki and ancient Mesopotamian religion (not aliens from planet Nibiru) – this is not what I set out to research. In fact, I wanted to verify a couple of loosely related details for a short story I’m […]


Existence is an interesting creature. Seeping into modern science, especially popularized in comic books and storylines, possibly hinted at in ancient religions and mythologies, and located in at least half a dozen other places, is the concept of “more” to the cosmos. The following are a few terms I’ve stumbled […]

Omnicartography, or Infinite Specks of Dust

So-called “universal myths” fascinate me:  Humanity’s loss of innocence (whether it’s fire-theft and Pandora’s box, a Tree of Knowledge, or anything else) and of course the first man and woman, a great Deluge that covers the earth, Giants (or any other abnormally tall humanoids) wiped out in ancient times, lands […]

Universal Mythologies

Following my site for more than a few months reveals an obvious pattern. I write the following: “I don’t post very often and I’m going to do better because I’ve resolved to do so.” Then, I consistently write posts over the next weeks or months, followed by a giant, gaping […]
