
Well, for some reason this page is not showing all my posts down below. If you’re looking for something specific, try the categories to the right. T.D.’s To Do’s are my yearly updates on my writing, Stories are the stories I’ve kept posted here or on my old site, etc…

WARNING:  This post brought to you by YouTube (not actually, but hey, if they want to sponsor it, I don’t see myself complaining). No animals were harmed in the writing of this post. This post was written in front of a live audience. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect […]

Drat My Writing

For a week and a half I’ve struggled to write the post I really want to write, but I’m stuck on how to write it. So much has happened and not happened in the last few weeks, however, that I figured I should at least write another “update on life,” […]

I set out to experiment with voice but ended up with this instead. It’s a first draft, unrefined. Enjoy? Sven stood up and stretched, yawning. The ice may be cold on his hands, but he was still falling asleep out here. Not wise to sleep on the ice surface of […]


Tale Transcendents – the source stories, experiences, thoughts, beliefs and ideas from which all others flow. True or false, almost everything we know in life descends from at least one tale transcendent. Many people know my fascination with tale transcendents, but rarely if ever have I referred to them as such […]

What are the Tale Transcendents?

The “wills” on the bus went round and round. You know that song? The wheels on the bus go round and round, except that in Kansas (or wherever the regional accent extends), wheels are sometimes pronounced “wills.” I probably did not catch this until I learned how to spell wheel, at […]

Things I Thought When I Was Little

Ever since I started back in 2008, it has gone through many post-type changes, undergone numerous face-lifts and experienced many cycles of activity and downtime. Baggage piled on top of baggage until it formed a figurative tidal wave threatening to drown my site. At long last I decided to free myself […]

Officially Announcing the Revamption!