I stumbled across this yesterday and thought it worthy of a good laugh. I’m sharing it for your viewing pleasure. And with that, I have technically hit the thirty-day point (thirty days since I started). Or is it technically thirty-one days? I’m not sure; it’s 29 posts I accomplished, so…goal […]
I realized that a previous post this week took up two of my pretend weekly subject/topic/whatevers. Which means I’m floundering around for today’s post. Maybe I should post some things I’ve found across the interwebs that I like? I stumbled across Mike Tompkins maybe two days ago. He makes singing […]
Some Recent, Favorite Discoveries
Well that’s easy. Today’s my “post a great video worth watching” day. You could think that means I will make a video of myself acting a fool, but it means I look around online for something great. This week’s video comes from a famous Youtuber. It’s more on the serious […]
Let’s Talk Health
Once again I intended to change things up but it got me realizing I don’t want to keep doing this shift back and forth from “serious subjects” to light ones according to overweighting on one end or the other. Which made me realize that a perfect way to break this […]
A Quick Stroll through Internet Randomness
This fits very well after my last post. Besides, this video is useful for anyone and everyone, anything and everything. It’s encouraging too.
The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything
Don’t get your hopes up. I just wanted to list some of the books, movies and shows that I love which inspire in spite of all the darkness. Some of them I shouldn’t be admitting to but I’m including those. Here they are: 1. The Red Band Society (watch here)2. […]
A Candle in the Darkness
I figure my site could use a little humor, and in light of a funny ad from yesterday, I figured that and its inspiration would fulfill my demand, so here you go – original and then the ad: