The Halloween muse struck me yesterday. I realized at least five years have passed since I celebrated Halloween beyond purchasing candy for others. I’m craving Halloween this year, and I remembered that some of my earliest writing came from attempts to write Halloween stories. I stumbled upon one of my […]
I wanted to highlight some of the main reasons for books I placed on my favorites list. You will see why by the end of this post. First we have the entire Harry Potter series. J. K. Rowling makes excellent use of description in her books, loading on elaborate details while […]
A Study in Mastership
The colder weather we’ve gotten here in Utah has gotten me thinking once more about reading and writing. Ever since I fell in love with books, I have felt that cold weather and rainy days produce the perfect setting for reading and writing. Perhaps it’s something about throwing blankets over […]
Winter Writing
Perhaps you’re curious what I’ve been reading as of late. And perhaps you just do not care. But I’m going to tell you either way – oh, with the exception of some books from my last post. My Goodreads gadget lists many of these books, but not all of them. […]
Recent reading
Perhaps the most frustrating experience in reading is to fall in love with the first book in a children’s series, only to have the series then fall into nothing more than blatant political propaganda. Politics may have a place in books, but that place is not literature for children. This […]
Politics and children’s authors
Let’s see if I can finish off my bio. here; that does mean I may add to this down the road, but it won’t be as another post, just more details to this one. Entering college, I grasped that if I wanted to ever get a novel written, I’d have to […]
History of an alcoholic…I mean…writer pt. 4
I debated all week long whether or not to post something today. As just about everyone knows, it’s the tenth anniversary of the Taliban attacks on the U.S.. I hesitated to post anything because I figure me posting would be like everyone else I’ve seen who’s trying to advertise or […]
September 11
The saga of my writing career continues. By now I’m in my sophomore year of high school and decided not to run cross country that year – I just didn’t feel like running, so I didn’t. Well suddenly my life freed up a little to the point it needed some kind of […]