This is a sampling of poems I wrote during Basic Training and AIT together known here as OSUT, One Station Unit Training. Each break indicates a different poem but having typed them all up I realize they can be read as an entirety to be one single poem. So read […]
Wow, so much has happened and yet nothing has happened at all (how’s that for passive voice?) – the different “muches” crashed into each other and created this post’s title in case it confused you. Hmm…without details, here’s what’s happening: I have a fast-food job (JDawgs if you’ve ever heard of it) and […]
Dawgs, Wind and Halloween
You deserve an update. I rewrote my book requested by Shadow Mountain. I mailed it in about two months ago. If my understanding of the publishing world proves accurate, I have anywhere from four to ten more months before I’ll hear back. In the meantime, I’ve always had the sneaking […]
Writer’s Block
BYU had its annual Publisher’s Fair yesterday and I had some success there that I’m not going to leave you out of. I’ve copied my update that I made on Facebook yesterday below (then you’ll know why this post is not more substantial and why I don’t really have much time […]
An Update from Facebook
My personalized Life, the Universe and Everything continues with a lecture Brandon Sanderson gave at JordanCon 2010. This is part one of nine, so don’t forget to watch the rest of it.
In honor of Life, the Universe, and Everything”: My Personalized ...
If you’ve never checked out the podcast “Writing Excuses,” do so now. If you know of Brandon Sanderson, Mary Robinette Kowal, Howard Tayler or Dan Wells, you know of the cast. Anyway, they have fifteen minute podcasts about writing each week. Right now they’re in their seventh season, […]
In honor of Life, the Universe, and Everything”: My Personalized ...
My personalized Life, the Universe, and Everything must by default include more than videos from previous years’ conferences. Even youtube only has a few videos (which surprises me – in years prior I’ve seen so many video cameras filming that I would expect more than two…lectures?…total). Most of […]