
This is a sampling of poems I wrote during Basic Training and AIT together known here as OSUT, One Station Unit Training. Each break indicates a different poem but having typed them all up I realize they can be read as an entirety to be one single poem. So read […]


Wow, so much has happened and yet nothing has happened at all (how’s that for passive voice?) – the different “muches” crashed into each other and created this post’s title in case it confused you. Hmm…without details, here’s what’s happening: I have a fast-food job (JDawgs if you’ve ever heard of it) and […]

Dawgs, Wind and Halloween

You deserve an update. I rewrote my book requested by Shadow Mountain. I mailed it in about two months ago. If my understanding of the publishing world proves accurate, I have anywhere from four to ten more months before I’ll hear back. In the meantime, I’ve always had the sneaking […]

Writer’s Block