Four days from the finish line, I missed a day. At least my excuse is good (but no story time). Realizing how close I am to the finish line, I figured I’d lay out my intents for my site after the 30(/29) days of posts. Books of the Week are […]
My Writing
People know I love mythologies and similar ideas. “Similar ideas” encompasses quite a few fields, and I think most people use the different terms pretty interchangeably. I’ve not yet found an all-encompassing term for all of this, but I figured I’d establish basic definitions of the different terms. Myth/Mythology – […]
A Few Simple Definitions
I wrote a poem sometime of late. It sounds quite gloomy and depressive, but I guarantee you that was not its intent. I like the poem in a weird way (I might be cheating – I know the more or less tune I’d put it to), so I figured I’d […]
Gloomy Poem
Their fifth year since college, the group decided to gather again for Thanksgiving. The day prior, Kyle and Rachel opened their doors for Jeanette and George and Christa and Tyler as well as their kids. “Okay,” Kyle said, when they’d all caught up and settled for a while. “Who wants […]
Thanksgiving with Friends
Rain drizzled and the winds howled. Jack pressed on, determined to not let the weather stop him. An occasional passing car splashed water up at his feet. He drew up to the graveyard and squeezed through the gate. It was cold, and mixed with the rain and wind, Jack shivered. […]
The Dead Man’s Zambra
______________________________________________________________________________ Heavy fog rolled across the street. Bright green light shone through at the other end of the street and I heard howling off in the distance. Somewhere. My boots clunked with each step and the cold air snapped at my throat on every intake. “Johnny come home,” I said, […]
The Halloween King
Here is a downloadable version of the Excel spreadsheet I created to track my progress on whatever book I’m writing. It’s not the best thing ever, but it helps me set writing goals. I assume overtime it should also train me to not spend more than 150 days writing any […]
My Writing Spreadsheet
This is a sampling of poems I wrote during Basic Training and AIT together known here as OSUT, One Station Unit Training. Each break indicates a different poem but having typed them all up I realize they can be read as an entirety to be one single poem. So read […]