Many people view the beginning of October as one of two things: the beginning of the Halloween season or the continued encroachment of Christmas on more and more holiday seasons (essentially and cannibalisticly devouring every other holiday in its path). I don’t care what you think about Christmas, it’s that Halloween […]
What’s Halloween without a list of the worst real-life villains of all time? You may agree or disagree with WatchMojo‘s choices, but here are their “Top 10 Worst Humans of All Time.”
Real-world Villains
If you look back through my blog, you can tell I like Halloween. So go figure that my October months are often filled with Halloween-related posts. This week I do a small round-up on Halloween. Halloween finds its roots in Samhain, an ancient Gaelic festival. Here and here you can read […]
A Halloween Round-up
______________________________________________________________________________ Heavy fog rolled across the street. Bright green light shone through at the other end of the street and I heard howling off in the distance. Somewhere. My boots clunked with each step and the cold air snapped at my throat on every intake. “Johnny come home,” I said, […]
The Halloween King
Growing up, some of my favorite stories were one’s involving magic or the unknown. I liked the tale of Briar Rose aka Sleeping Beauty (mostly or especially the witches), I loved “The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces,” and I enjoyed any tale that involved gnarled old witches riding around […]
Welcome to Halloween Country!!! (a few days early)
(Click this picture for spooky poems) “That’s so gruesome!” Megan said. “Of course it is,” Stephen said, “it’s supposed to be. What’s the fun in Halloween if the stories aren’t even spooky?” “They don’t have to be gruesome to be spooky,” Megan said. “Tell him Jeffrey.” “You tell him,” Jeff […]
Halloween Nights Pt. 3 – The Old Lady
(Click this picture for Halloween ghost stories*) I love how…innocent this picture is. The cave entrance you see is for Ghost Cave. I fell in love with the picture before I learned the name of the cave, so when I did learn the name, I had to laugh at the […]