I feel sorry for people who don’t understand the value of imaginary worlds. For those who think a story is superior because it takes place “in the real world” or because “it’s more believable than a story in a pretend world,” I feel sorry for you. I’d go so far […]
The following are many characters from the literary world who I see a major part of myself in. I’ll leave it up to you to decide why – cheers! Ray Garraty from The Long Walk Edmund Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia Gene Forrester from A Separate Peace Torrey Adams […]
Who am I?, Using Characters from Books
Ever since Amazon came out with the Kindle*, there’s been a war raging between reading types. It’s kind of silly if you ask me: are you reading because of the format? Or are you reading for the story/information/idea/words? I’ve been writing so much about philosophical topics or my site these […]
How Do You Read?
The following are a list of dystopian novels. By no means is it comprehensive, but I believe it covers the major ones that need to be read at least to understand the evolution and present state of dystopia. There’s a point at which they all begun to run together, where […]
Dystopian Novels
Don’t get your hopes up. I just wanted to list some of the books, movies and shows that I love which inspire in spite of all the darkness. Some of them I shouldn’t be admitting to but I’m including those. Here they are: 1. The Red Band Society (watch here)2. […]
A Candle in the Darkness
I finished rereading Carol Plum-ucci’s The Body of Christopher Creed this morning and still felt the same excitement and thrill of the first time I read it back in 2004. To briefly sum the story, Christopher Creed has gone missing and Torey Adams is determined to find out what happened […]
The Body of Christopher Creed
I finished rereading Carol Plum-ucci’s The Body of Christopher Creed this morning and still felt the same excitement and thrill of the first time I read it back in 2004. To briefly sum the story, Christopher Creed has gone missing and Torey Adams is determined to find out what happened […]