What drives you? Is it your faith, your belief in something greater, some One greater? Are you driven by the desire to lift those around you who are too weak to pull themselves up? Do you frequently find ways to make the world a better place? Or do you give […]
30 Days 30 Posts
My head was moments away from hitting my pillow when I realized I’d forgotten something. That’s way better than waking up in the morning realizing I’ve forgotten. Do you ever wonder what life will be like in 100 years? Assuming there’s no end of world event between then and now, […]
Life and Advancement
Day 3: In my head resides a list of ideas, none of which sound worth writing about today. Which means I’m coming up empty. I’ve got nada. After two days, I’ve got nada nada nada. So much for thirty days of figuring this out. Did you think I would give […]
Each Moment Ticks to Death
Day 2 and I’ve managed to keep with my goal so far. Ha. Haha ha ha. I figured it’d be good to at least give an update on my life, you know, since I’ve got thirty days to fill and all. I’m working at a library these days, and while […]
What’s Going on With Me?
On a complete whim, and as a way to avoid rewriting, writing or plotting, I set a goal to write something here every single day for the next month. That means on July 10, I should have an entire month of boring posts to figuratively drown you all in. Now […]