This morning I thought of a great topic to write about. Unfortunately I didn’t think to write it down. The common thread of humanity is the pursuit, or rejection, of truth. Politics exist because people disagree about what is true and what is not. Religion after religion professes to have […]
If you came here reading based upon the title, you probably think I’m going to talk about the ever-changing world or something of that sort. You’re wrong. You can thank me for how wrong you are, and no I’m not really calling you stupid or foolish. Anyone who’s watched my […]
Changes in the Wind
Historic jail in Liberty, Missouri.Liberty jail – what a sad contradiction. I had the opportunity today to visit some historical, religious sites of great significance, and they left me thinking. Do you remember those things, actions, experiences that brought you joy when you were younger? If you do remember, how […]
Do You Reject What Brings You Happiness?
I was doing some thinking about a few podcasts and YouTube channels I follow. Many of them recommend a “Book of the Week.” I don’t think I’ve ever seen that on a blogging-style web site. Sure, there are sites dedicated to recommending books, but I figure it’d be great on […]
FYI: Books of the Week and Affiliating
I just realized I don’t have a real about me page. I mean, I’ve got my huge “L-O-N-G, Drawn-out Me,” but I don’t like that. If people wanted my life’s history, they’d go to Wikipedia where they’d find nothing. Therefore I bring you my actual, better, “about me” page. Shorter, simpler, […]
My New About Me Script
About every six months I get on a huge financial kick that’s been building for a couple or so months. Anyone who’s been following me for a long time might already know this based on the other times I’ve written. Well, I’m back on that kick (thanks to Mr. Money […]
Does it Always Have to be About Money?
What drives you? Is it your faith, your belief in something greater, some One greater? Are you driven by the desire to lift those around you who are too weak to pull themselves up? Do you frequently find ways to make the world a better place? Or do you give […]
Questions for Introspection (answer in the comments if you so ...
My head was moments away from hitting my pillow when I realized I’d forgotten something. That’s way better than waking up in the morning realizing I’ve forgotten. Do you ever wonder what life will be like in 100 years? Assuming there’s no end of world event between then and now, […]