For a long number of years I have struggled to “be” an author – you know, one of those people who writes for a living? No, not the one giving you a constant stream of up-to-date news, but the one sitting in the shadowy corner over there taking notes of everyone’s looks, thoughts and actions.
The biggest hindrance to this has been distractions. Great ideas come and go, and the neater ones come back again and again like a (fill in what would be “the blank” if I hadn’t filled in said blank with this parentheses). Well this year I’ve done a great job at recognizing when something’s a distraction preventing me from becoming a published author. I still get caught up in the individual distractions – and they’re usually quality ones – but they’re distractions, so after a day or a week I decide to shelve them until some magical time when I’ve written everything I ever can or want to.
Today I’m on a “planners” kick, you know, like daily planners (I’ll explain sometime). Somehow, a great idea popped into my head as a result. Since I do not have enough time in my life to live every great thing I want to do, I can share the distractions with you, one by one, and that way I retain the ideas “for later” but you get to hear about them as they occur rather than decades later.
If any of you want to run with my ideas that’s perfectly fine. I wouldn’t mind you pointing people to my site, and I wouldn’t mind receiving a check if you feel so inclined (for your successfully monetizing one or more of my ideas, of course), but you’re under absolutely no obligation to do so. Besides, if it’s my idea, chances are just as great that it’s a crazy idea.
Now I can go back to writing, shelf my ideas, hope someone’s inspired to act on said ideas, and tell those tangents from writing, “Silly distractions, Trix are for kids!”