On a complete whim, and as a way to avoid rewriting, writing or plotting, I set a goal to write something here every single day for the next month. That means on July 10, I should have an entire month of boring posts to figuratively drown you all in. Now […]
Yearly Archives: 2016
The following are a list of dystopian novels. By no means is it comprehensive, but I believe it covers the major ones that need to be read at least to understand the evolution and present state of dystopia. There’s a point at which they all begun to run together, where […]
Dystopian Novels
Every time I get on a roll posting here frequently, I get more complaints than complements. Too many stories or too much for holidays. Too gloomy and dark and too focused on me. Too many videos or too much of that. I’ve actually started a separate blog simply because I […]