Mort‘s long wait at the annual hiring fair pays off when Death finally shows up looking for an apprentice. They go back together to Death’s…oddly-black land…until such a time when Death decides it’s about time to teach the boy about helping the dead die. From then on, it’s all downhill. […]
Yearly Archives: 2016
As part of the slow revamping of my site that I began with 30 Days, 30 Posts, I decided that each Friday I’ll write a one sentence post that either highlights my week or something specific I did that week. The goal is brevity but I’ll allow for a run-on sentence. This […]
A Quick Poll for You
Many people view the beginning of October as one of two things: the beginning of the Halloween season or the continued encroachment of Christmas on more and more holiday seasons (essentially and cannibalisticly devouring every other holiday in its path). I don’t care what you think about Christmas, it’s that Halloween […]
Book of the Week: The October Country by Ray Bradbury
As you can tell, my site has undergone some major overhauls this week. The underlying frame actually moved companies (Google to Bluehost). For the most part, there are three things that will affect you. The look obviously changed. I plan to continue playing with this, tweaking it and maybe experimenting […]
Pardon the Mess as Always
A Stranger Came Ashore is a relatively short book, and writing a review means giving away a large portion of the story. And so the actual review is shorter than normal. A dark and stormy night begins this tale, a shipwreck, a lone survivor a mystery man. Robbie doesn’t trust […]
Book of the Week: A Stranger Came Ashore by Mollie ...
For a long number of years I have struggled to “be” an author – you know, one of those people who writes for a living? No, not the one giving you a constant stream of up-to-date news, but the one sitting in the shadowy corner over there taking notes of […]
Introduction to Distraction Posts
It seems to me The Giver is one of those books you either love or are fairly apathetic about. Unfortunately, the flood of dystopian novels this last decade has moved a lot of people into Camp Apathy. Undeservedly. Color, joy, music, love, thought, wisdom. These are a few of those things that […]
Book of the Week: The Giver by Lois Lowry
My first real book series addiction arrived in the form of The Dark is Rising, a book and series by Susan Cooper. I loved books by that time, but this was the first series I absolutely obsessed over (shy of collecting news articles which were not readily available for books […]