Dear Reader, Aside from work, this week and next has been/will be almost completely focused on completing a Christmas gift I’m making that promises to continue sapping or hording my time until possibly Christmas day itself. Sincerely, T. D. Speirs
Monthly Archives: December 2016
If you haven’t read Sideways Stories from Wayside School, you’re missing out. Big time. As in 19 times big time. You see, Wayside School was supposed to be built on one floor with thirty classrooms, but due to some construction errors, it was instead built with thirty floors and one […]
Book of the Week: Sideways Stories from Wayside School by ...
This has been one of those weeks where you have so many small things to do that when all is said and done, you feel like you’ve accomplished nothing more than a few spurts of productivity here and there when in reality you’ve completed a whole lot of shtuff.
One Sentence Weekly: I’m All Over the Place
When Lyra and her daemon discover the master of Jordan College trying to poison Lord Asrael (her uncle), she has no idea the dangerous step she’s taken towards discovering the truth about Dust, daemons and disappearing children. There’s no reason to assume everything is connected in ways that could prove […]
Book of the Week: The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
Last Week: Thanksgiving is always a wee where I should have lots of time to be super-productive, but I always find that the holiday “gets in the way.” This Week: Sometimes life is a roller-coaster, such as this week, which fortunately is ending in an upswing after a week-long comparison […]