One export provides the lifeblood of Grand Fenwick – wine. Specifically Pinot Grand Fenwick wine. So when an American winery makes a knock-off and calls it Pinot Grand Enwick, the financial situation of the duchy grows dire and a solution is needed.
Now, because this is a satire, the story gets wild funny. Grand Fenwick could water down their wine and who would know? But there’s an even better idea in the air.
The United States of America is a great country to lose wars to. You see, when countries lose against the U.S., they’re taken care of and provided for. Essentially, if you lose a war against the U.S., you’re “set for life.”
Anyway, The Mouse that Roared (by Leonard Wibberley, not the book about Disney) is a hilarious and thought-provoking satire. You have to get through a bit of background on Grand Fenwick, but the book is so worth it.