I feel sorry for people who don’t understand the value of imaginary worlds. For those who think a story is superior because it takes place “in the real world” or because “it’s more believable than a story in a pretend world,” I feel sorry for you. I’d go so far […]
Monthly Archives: July 2016
The Duchy of Grand Fenwick lies somewhere in the Alps. It’s so tiny that you can’t spot it on a map and pretty much nobody knows it even exists. Oh, it’s also kind of behind the times, still relying on bows and arrows in the Twentieth Century. One export provides […]
Book of the Week: The Mouse that Roared by Leonard ...
For a summer or two around age twelve – I don’t remember which – I got into a big dragon slayer kick. I’m not sure the reason behind it, but if the book entailed dragon slaying or dragon hunting, I devoured said book like a ravenous wolf (that is to […]
Book of the Week: The Eyes of the Dragon by ...
I guess I’m due for some kind of post, an update or explanation on why I’m not posting much anymore. Wasn’t the purpose of my 30 posts, 30 days to get me in the habit of posting here more frequently? Yes, but there aren’t too many of us who like […]
In Case You Didn’t Already Know: My Blogging Skills ...
Perhaps no novel strikes my fancy so much as a well-written story of a character headed towards mental collapse (aka melt-down or nervous breakdown). I don’t know – maybe I’m awed by human vulnerability. The Body of Christopher Creed is one such book, and a super-great one at that. I […]
Book of the Week: The Body of Christopher Creed by ...
I stumbled across this yesterday and thought it worthy of a good laugh. I’m sharing it for your viewing pleasure. And with that, I have technically hit the thirty-day point (thirty days since I started). Or is it technically thirty-one days? I’m not sure; it’s 29 posts I accomplished, so…goal […]
This Week’s Video
After all these years I’ve considered switching my host (if that’s the term for this) from Blogger to WordPress, I’m testing out the leap. I hadn’t realized how easy of a move it is, but now that I took my idea seriously, I’ve already got a transitional test up over […]
Pardon the Mess
Four days from the finish line, I missed a day. At least my excuse is good (but no story time). Realizing how close I am to the finish line, I figured I’d lay out my intents for my site after the 30(/29) days of posts. Books of the Week are […]