I was doing some thinking about a few podcasts and YouTube channels I follow. Many of them recommend a “Book of the Week.” I don’t think I’ve ever seen that on a blogging-style web site. Sure, there are sites dedicated to recommending books, but I figure it’d be great on mine – after all, I initially began this site hoping to write not only about my authorly development and progress but also to share the books I love.
From now on (but starting next week), I intend to write up books of the week. They may not be long, but they’ll be popping up. These will be books I’ve read and enjoyed.
Along with that, I’ve been thinking about monetizing this site for quite a long time, but who monetizes a site they barely even post to? Having temporarily entered a habit of posting every day, I figured now makes more sense than ever (besides, I’ve had silly ads for a while now and earned a whole 6 cents).
From now on, I’m “a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.”
In other words, if I put any Amazon
links on my site and you make a purchase through them, I might make a penny or two. It’s not much, and don’t buy stuff you don’t need/want in order to give me a few cents – that would be silly.
Yes, that means if you follow a link from one of my “Books of the Week” and you make a purchase, I’ll make money which I intend to put back into my site one way or another.
For now, I’m figuring the affiliate program out. Don’t worry, I promise not to swamp you out with ads.