In April 2001 I realized I could write books for a living. If I put my heart into it, maybe I could even become one of the famous authors of this age, a dream shared by many others. But I didn’t know how one sets about writing a book, so […]
Yearly Archives: 2014
Here is a downloadable version of the Excel spreadsheet I created to track my progress on whatever book I’m writing. It’s not the best thing ever, but it helps me set writing goals. I assume overtime it should also train me to not spend more than 150 days writing any […]
My Writing Spreadsheet
Over the course of a few months I’ve made minor and larger changes to my site in order to enhance its feel. I’m getting ready to make more use of the site by writing more often, adding variety (mythology, stories, non-writing-related), or simply learning how to add downloadable “stuff” to […]
This is a sampling of poems I wrote during Basic Training and AIT together known here as OSUT, One Station Unit Training. Each break indicates a different poem but having typed them all up I realize they can be read as an entirety to be one single poem. So read […]