I have a fast-food job (JDawgs if you’ve ever heard of it) and other than that, I have “all the time in the world” to write. As in no classes, no obligations, nada… It’s kind of a long story how that happened, but ultimately it was my choice.
I finished reading Patrick Rothfuss‘s “The Name of the Wind.” Can I say amazing? Genius? Mind shattered from awesomeness? I enjoy fantasy novels, but I must say Rothfuss’s ability to merge great writing and great storytelling make the novel one of a kind right on par with “The Lord of the Rings.” Sure, you may think I exaggerate, but I honestly feel this way. Suffice it to say, I began reading book 2, “The Wise Man’s Fear” already.
October upon us, I’m considering a Halloween story this year. Many of my earliest (but not the very earliest) stories were school assignments to celebrate Halloween, and as a result I’ve always had a fascination for them. I just need a story idea…or maybe a Halloween character.
Haven’t heard back from Shadow Mountain yet. I’m not surprised – the book publishing world moves slower than the rest of the world and with good reason. This time next month I may have a book contract, a “please revise this again and resubmit” letter, or my first book publication rejection letter. Or I might not. Either way, I’m not worried.
Well, I need to get some writing in or something. I’m working 8 1/2 hours today at JDawgs and need to have some kind of energy/excitement/fun thoughts to carry me through the longer workday just in case.