At least as far back as third grade I have liked story-writing. Back then, however, I liked the idea of writing much more than the actual act or results of said writing. My teacher had cast a magic spell on me (probably something like “writosious” or another nonsense and non-Latin […]
Yearly Archives: 2011
Every author has his or her own writing habits. Those are some of the earliest words you will read in any book or Web site about writing. Almost everyone has their way of getting in the mode and writing, and they’ll promote their way of doing things. And then they […]
Habits of the deviled egg
Ever since my laptop screen went haywire, I have written very little at all; however my total year’s word count was so far ahead of schedule that I only fell behind my goal just a few days ago. Not bad! During that time I have done a lot of thinking […]
My Favorite Books
I’ve been computerless for almost two whole weeks. On Saturday my roommate went laptop shopping so I tagged along and purchased a netbook. Oh, I guess I should say why I’ve been without a laptop (and still am if you consider a netbook different from a laptop – which I […]
An Update on Life
Well I’m far due for another post. That’s all I have to say about my great blogging. I just received in the mail a copy of Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable 18th Edition. I’m looking forward to flipping through it. As of late (well, I’ve always been this way, […]
Rotten Eggs
Reading is not enough sometimes. Nor is reading in one’s genre a good standard rule to set either. No, I’ve found out in “the recent past” that if a person want to write, that person should still be familiar with the genre they wish to write, but even more important […]
I thought it had been nearly ten days since my last post, but it’s only been a week and a day – still pretty close to ten days, but not exactly the same. A few days ago I finished reading James Dashner’s The Maze Runner (I realize that, based on […]
A Very Boring Post
The first thing I’m going to say is that this post has nothing to do with groundhogs, alarm clocks or orangesicles – well, that is, aside from stating that it has nothing to do with them. It’s been a while since my last post and while nothing major has happened […]