2022 Progress 1

The progress I made/tracked during 2022. For the current year, go here:

Here is a set of bars tracking my current works in progress as well as my year’s writing goals (2022).

When the World Grows Dark

100% Complete
69,000 of 69,000 words

When the World Grows Dark 2

Draft 1
34% Complete
23,898 of 70,000 words

Keep in mind that this year, I intentionally set more goals than I can achieve (see T. D.’s To Do’s 2022). What does that mean for the monthly progress? Well, usually two thirds of a bar (about 66%) means I accomplished what I could reasonably expect during a month. More than that means I had an extra-productive month.

2022 Monthly Goals

January 2022
67% Complete
2 of 3 goals

February 2022
75% Complete
3 of 4 goals

*February turned out quite productive, but I’m still figuring out these progress bars. Although I had three goals, for purposes of demonstrating how much I accomplished, the progress bar shows four. One goal turned out to be about double the size that I expected, and I guess that’s what I expected when I over-planned for the year, isn’t it?

March 2022
38% Complete
3 of 8 goals

*And then there’s March. I realized early on this month that my bars would be more accurate if each goal was treated as two: one point for credible work toward achieving the goal, and one point for completing said goal. For instance, with February I mentioned that one goal turned out to be double the expected size. If it had taken place in March, I would get one point for my credible efforts to achieve the goal, but not a second point because I still have some work (about 10-15%) left toward that goal.

Halfway through the month (March), however, my household welcomed another boy, and adapting completely halted my writing for a couple weeks.

April 2022
83% Complete
5 of 6 goals

May 2022
50% Complete
3 of 6 goals

*My writing took a hard hit in May. Somewhat, that’s because my gardening this year required a bit more work in May than last year (remember, April was supposed to see a big drain on writing due to my garden, but April turned out to be quite successful in the writing realm). Mostly, however, a couple major hurdles temporarily crushed my writing stamina: I realized that my Proving story fundamentally contradicts itself, which means I need to overhaul it; and I learned that another middle grade book I have been planning (including its intentional quirks) is too much like an already published novel I have not yet read but will need to before reevaluating my own. Yes, I became overwhelmed by my writing in general and struggled to put fingers to keyboard or pen(cil) to paper, and gardening helped me avoid it. As it is June 9 when I’m writing this note, however, I seem to be pulling out of that hole into which I’d fallen.

June 2022
50% Complete
4 of 8 goals

July 2022
50% Complete
4 of 8 goals

August 2022
33% Complete
2 of 6 goals

*Well, August had me experiencing a major setback on my writing, but I seem to be pulling out of it.

Oops. I forgot to update September and October. I know October was somewhere around 50% but am not putting up a bar because I don’t really remember exactly what it was. September I cannot even begin to guess, which is awkward seeing as it was only two months ago at this point.

November 2022
50% Complete
3 of 6 goals

December 2022
50% Complete
3 of 6 goals

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