Ever since I started tdspeirs.com back in 2008, it has gone through many post-type changes, undergone numerous face-lifts and experienced many cycles of activity and downtime. Baggage piled on top of baggage until it formed a figurative tidal wave threatening to drown my site.
At long last I decided to free myself from all that. You can still read my old posts here but that “site” no longer represents my wishes; it hasn’t for quite some time.
Today I present T. D. Speirs 2.0.
I considered letting you in on what I plan to do with my site in the future, but I’m not going to bind myself down to obligations I’ve got no interest in. Welcome to the journey, but let me present a warning as well: tdspeirs.com will be what I want it to be, not what one person or group says it should be.
Welcome to the “more me,” the journeys of the real T. D. Speirs!